The theme of this unit focuses on “space exploration.” Students will learn about the training and experience needed to become an astronaut. The text is mainly about the development of space exploration. On the one hand, the text helps students to have a good understanding about the great feats humans have achieved, on the other hand, they will further understand the contributions that we Chinese have achieved, and feel confident and proud about our homeland and strengthen their love for our country. The teacher should instruct students to aim high and study harder to make great progress in the space career if possible.1. Read about the development and value of space exploration.2. Explore the mysteries of the universe and the achievements in space exploration.3. Skillfully use the vocabulary of this text to cultivate self-study ability 4. Develop cooperative learning ability through discussion.1. Enable the Ss to talk about the development and value of space exploration.2. Guide the Ss to summarize the main idea of each paragraph as well as the main idea of the text.3. Help Ss comprehend the main reasons for space exploration. Multi-media, textbook, notebooks.Step 1: Warming up and predictionLook at the title and the pictures of the text and predict what the text will be about?2. What are the main reasons for space exploration?
Everybody wants to get wealth.In today’s material world,making money or becoming wealthy symbolizes a person’s success and capability. Many people just make every effort, pay any price to attain greater wealth. With money,they can buy nice, large apartments in nice neighborhood. With money they can own luxurious cars. Wealth seems to bring all happiness in life.But is wealth the only road to happiness? Not really. There are many things in the world, which are beyond the means of money, such as friendship, love, health and knowledge. People are so preoccupied with struggling for money that they have no time or would not take the time to form or maintain friendship. What happiness can they feel living as lonely miserable creatures without love or friends in the world even if they accumulate tremendous wealth?In my opinion, people can’t do anything without money, but money is not everything. What money will bring you depends on your personal belief and goal in life. If you are kind enough to help others, especially the poor, money is a good thing to you. With it, you can do much more for the benefit of people and your country, and it will add to your own happiness. If you want money just for your own needs, you’ll never be satisfied or happy. In a word,you should have money spent for more people. Only then can money be the source of your happiness.Step 8 Homework4 students in a group, one acts Roderick, one Oliver, one servant and the fourth one acts Henry Adams, then listen to the tape, pay more attention to the difference between American English and British English in pronunciation, stress, tone.
2. 您能看到, 我頭發(fā)太長了。You can see that my hair is much too long.3. 無論什么時候, 只要您想回來就回來。Please come back whenever you want.4. 您僅有很少的頭發(fā)要理! You only have too little hair to cut !5. 為您服務是我的榮幸!It is my honour to serve you!Step 9 Writing(Henry is walking down the street when he sees a sign for a place that cuts hair. He decides to have it cut. )H=Henry B=BarberH: Good afternoon, I’d like to have my hair cut, if I may. (The barber looks at Henry’s hair and continues cutting another man’s hair. ) Er, I’d really like a haircut. As you can see it’s much too long. B: (in a rude manner) Yes, I can see that. Indeed, I can. H: Fine, well, I’ll have a seat then. (He sits in one of the barber’s chairs. The barber turns to look at Henry. )B: It’s quite expensive here, you know! Are you sure you can afford it?H: Yes. I think so. (After his hair is cut, the barber tells Henry how much he must pay. Henry shows the barber the bank note. )B: Why Mr. . . (looks shocked)H: Adams. Henry Adams. I’m sorry. I don’t have any change. B: Please don’t worry! (wearing a big smile) Nothing to worry about! Nothing at all! Please come back whenever you want, even if you only have too little hair to cut! It will be my honour to serve you!Step 10 Pair workExchange drafts with a partner. Use this checklist to help your partner revise his/her draft.1. Are all the elements of a play included and in good order ?2. Do the character use suitable language ?3. Are the stage directions clear and useful ?4. Is the plot clear and exciting enough ?
Step 3 Meaning1. 過去將來時表示從過去某一時間來看將要發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài), 常用在賓語從句中。一般由“would/should +動詞原形”構成。She hoped that they would meet again someday. 她希望將來有一天他們能再見面。2. was/were going to+動詞原形: 表示過去將要發(fā)生或很有可能發(fā)生的動作, 常用于口語中, 表示預言、意圖或者打算等。He was going to start work the following week. 他打算下星期開始工作。3. was/were about to do: 常用來表示即將發(fā)生的動作, “剛要/正要做……”。注意該結構不與任何時間狀語連用。I felt that something terrible was about to happen. 我感到某種可怕的事情即將發(fā)生。4.was/were to do: 表示“曾計劃做某事”, 如果表示“本來計劃做某事, 動作沒實現(xiàn)”, 則需用 “was/were to have done”。She said she was to have told me about the accident. 她說她本來想告訴我關于事故的事。5.Start, go, come, leave, see, meet等動詞的過去進行時: 表示就過去某一時刻而言即將發(fā)生的動作。She was coming later. 她隨后就來。I had just put on my overcoat and was leaving to visit a friend of mine. 我剛穿上外套要去看我的一個朋友。
【參考范文】Narrator:(Henry is smiling as he leaves the restaurant. As he is walking down the street, he sees a sign for a place that cuts hair. He decides to get it cut. )H=Henry;B=Barber;R=rude manH:Good afternoon, I'd like to get a cut, if I may. (The barber looks at Henry's hair and continues cutting another man's hair. )Er, I'd really like a haircut. As you can see it's much too long. B:(in a rude manner) Yes, I can see that. Indeed, I can. H:Fine, well I'll have a seat then. (He sits in one of the barber's chairs. The barber turns to look at Henry. )B:It's quite expensive here, you know!Are you sure you can afford it?H:Yes. I think so. (In comes the rude man. )R:Hey you there. I need a haircut quickly. Can you do me straightaway?B:All right, then, get in the chair and I'll see what I can do. R:Thank you. (sits down in one of the barber's chairs)H:Excuse me, but I was here first. Aren't you going to do my hair first?B:This man's in a hurry. H:Well so am I!I insist that you cut my hair first. B:OK, but I'll have to be quick. This gentleman is waiting. H:Thank you. (They both become quiet. After his hair is cut, the barber tells Henry how much he must pay. Henry shows the barber the bank note. )B:Why, Mr . . . (looks shocked)H:Adams. Henry Adams. I'm sorry, I don't have any change. R:You're that Mr Adams! Well,I'm glad I waited or I might never have known it was you. B:Why, Mr Adams, please don't worry!(wearing a big smile) Nothing to worry about!Nothing at all!Please come back any time, even if you only need too little hairs cut!It will be my honour to serve you!
The Reading section is the third scene ofthe first act in the play. The rich merchant brothers made a bet about giving amillion pound note to a poor man who had nothing and was honest and reliable andto see what would happen. Finally they found Henry Adams, an American boy whowas down and out on the streets of London.
Teachers can guide students to understandand feel the language of drama through the development of drama plots.
1.Talk about short stories and dramas.
2.Learn how to act out a play
3.Learn how to request and order food
4.Learn model words and polite expressions
1. Guide students to grasp the problemcharacteristics of the script.
2. Analyze the characters emotions andpersonalities through such information as dialogue, ecology, tone and action,and infer their subtext, so as to deeply understand the text content.
Multi-media, textbook, notebooks.
Step 1: Warming up
If a rich person gives you a large amountof money to use as you like, for example, one million pound, what will you do?Why?
Varied answers.
Buy a big house
Buy a fancy car.
Donate money to the people in need…..
Step2: Fast reading tasks
Read the passage quickly and tell thestatements a fact (F) or an opinion (O) after a fast reading.
_____ Henry wantsto find a job in London.
_____ Henry isgiven an envelop by the two brothers.
_____ Henry is anunlucky young man.
_____ The servantis called James.
_____ Henry isfoolish to go and meet the two brothers.
Step3: Scan for details.
Read through the scenes and then answersome questions
1. Where doesHenry Adams come from? Does he know much about London?
2. What did hedo in America?
3. Why did heland in Britain?
1.Henry comes fromSan Francisco. No, he doesn’t know London at all.
2.He worked for amining company.
3.He was sailing outthe bay when he was carried out to sea by a strong wind and was survived by aship for London.
Step4 : Read and sum up how Henry’s feelings change during theconversation
| What he says or does | How he feels |
When they seem happy that he has no money | Replies angrily | Angry, irritated |
When they give him the envelope | Wants to open the envelope straightaway | Irritated that he cannot open the envelope at once |
When they tell him there is money in it | Explains he wants a job not charity | Unhappy to be given money rather than working for it |
Before he leaves the house | Agrees not to open the letter till 2 p.m. | Interested and curious |
Step 5 Findall the examples of polite requests. Then rewrite them in informal language.
1. Would you step inside a moment, please?
2 Good morning, sir, would you please come in?
Come in, please
Hello, please come in.
3. Permit me to lead the way, sir.
4. How do you do, Mr. …er …?
Let me show you the way
Hello Mr. …
5. May we ask what you’re doing in this country?
6. I wonder, Mr. Adams, if you’d mind …
Why are you in England
Mr. Adams, is it OK if
Step 6: Critical thinking:
1.Why do youthink that the brothers chose Henry for their bet?
? it was his first visit to London so nobodyknew him.
? He had no money so he would have to relyon the bank note.
? They thought he looked honest because heasked for a job and not charity.
2.What kind ofperson do you think Henry is? Why do you think so? Find the original sentencesin the passage to prove Henry’s characteristic
It is my firsttrip here.
Well, to behonest, I have none. (no money)
Well, I can’tsay that I have any plans.
I don’t wantyour charity. I just want an honest job.
? I earned mypassage by working as an unpaid hand.
? Could you offerme some kind of work here?
? I don’t wantyour charity, I just want an honest job.
? Careless:I landed in Britain by accident.
Step 7:Consolidation.
? Find Henry
? Roderick and Oliver were I .making a betwhen they saw Henry, a poor young man.
? Know Henry
? About a month ago, Henry was sailing andlater he found himself carried out to sea by a strong wind. Fortunately, he2.was spotted by a ship. And it was the ship that brought him to 3.England
? Offer money to Henry
? Oliver and Roderick gave Henry a letterand told him that there was money in it. They 4.persuaded him to accept it, andmade him 5.promise that it wouldnt be opened until 2 oclock.
http://17025calibrations.com/worddetails_55546938.html1、該生學習態(tài)度端正 ,能夠積極配合老師 ,善于調(diào)動課堂氣氛。 能夠積極完成老師布置的任務。學習勁頭足,聽課又專注 ,做事更認 真 ,你是同學們學習的榜樣。但是,成績只代表昨天,并不能說明你 明天就一定也很優(yōu)秀。所以,每個人都應該把成績當作自己騰飛的起 點。2、 你不愛說話 ,但勤奮好學,誠實可愛;你做事踏實、認真、為 人忠厚 ,是一個品行端正、有上進心、有良好的道德修養(yǎng)的好學生。在學習上,積極、主動,能按時完成老師布置的作業(yè),經(jīng)過努力 ,各 科成績都有明顯進步,你有較強的思維能力和學習領悟力,學習也有 計劃性,但在老師看來,你的潛力還沒有完全發(fā)揮出來,學習上還要有持久的恒心和頑強的毅力。
1、該生學習態(tài)度端正 ,能夠積極配合老師 ,善于調(diào)動課堂氣氛。 能夠積極完成老師布置的任務。學習勁頭足,聽課又專注 ,做事更認 真 ,你是同學們學習的榜樣。但是,成績只代表昨天,并不能說明你 明天就一定也很優(yōu)秀。所以,每個人都應該把成績當作自己騰飛的起 點。2、 你不愛說話 ,但勤奮好學,誠實可愛;你做事踏實、認真、為 人忠厚 ,是一個品行端正、有上進心、有良好的道德修養(yǎng)的好學生。在學習上,積極、主動,能按時完成老師布置的作業(yè),經(jīng)過努力 ,各 科成績都有明顯進步,你有較強的思維能力和學習領悟力,學習也有 計劃性,但在老師看來,你的潛力還沒有完全發(fā)揮出來,學習上還要有持久的恒心和頑強的毅力。