①標題——標題應當簡潔明了。②導語——導語是消息開頭的第一段或第一句話,簡明扼要地揭示出消息的核心內容。③主體——主體是消息的主要部分,要用充足的事實表現(xiàn)主題,對導語的內容作進一步的展開和闡述。④結束語——通常是對全文內容進行概括性的總結。3. 新聞報道增分句子(1)陳述事實常用的句型:①A terrible storm hit/struck ... , killing ..②It was a cool autumn night when the earthquake happened. A large number of buildings fell down and roads were destroyed, leaving a great many people homeless.地震發(fā)生在一個涼爽的秋夜。大量的建筑物倒塌,道路被毀,許多人無家可歸。③With the help of the rescue team, people who were the trapped in the flood were saved.在救援隊的幫助下,困在洪水中的人們得救了。(2)陳述觀點常用的句型:①Clearly/Obviously/In my opinion/It seemed that people were shocked.顯然/在我看來/似乎人們震驚了。②The whole city was in ruins after the earthquake.地震后整個城市成了一片廢墟。(3)揭示原因常用的句型:Because of/As a result of/Thanks to the help of the army, people who got injured were sent to the hospital immediately.
1. 標題首先根據海報的特點、格式寫明標題。海報中往往把內容作為大標題。例如: Save the earth, Save the birds。2. 正文部分不同的海報其正文部分的側重點不同。對于介紹性的海報, 首先要引出話題, 其次列出原因, 最后是總結。對于宣傳類的海報, 要寫明具體內容, 如: 活動內容, 地點以及參加活動的注意事項, 主持或舉辦單位等。1. 圖片: 要選擇引人注目的圖片, 與主題要相關, 色彩明亮。話題句式 1. It is a treasure of our country. 它是我國的國寶。2. Believe it or not, at present only several thousand pandas exist in the world. 信不信由你, 目前世界上僅現(xiàn)存幾千只熊貓。 3.It’s because of human activities that tigers are endangered. 正是因為人類的活動, 老虎處于瀕危的狀態(tài)。4. Many wild animals are in danger of dying out. 很多野生動物面臨著滅絕的危險。 5. The government has taken effective measures to protect them. 政府已采取有效的措施來保護它們。6. People should raise the awareness of the protection of wild animals. 人們應該提高保護野生動物的意識。 7. It’s amazing that there are merely less than 1, 000 finless porpoises living in China. 非常令人吃驚, 目前中國僅有不足1 000只江豚。
This lesson aims at making a poster about protecting wildlife after reading some posters. During reading students are guided to understand the content and try to summarize the posters with one sentence. Then students are guided to try to make a poster about protecting wildlife.1. Read the two posters and try to understand the summary sentences.2. Look at the two posters and try to understand what emotions they express.3. Try to summarize the features of posters4. Try to make a poster about wildlife.1. Look at the two posters and try to understand what emotions they express.2. Try to summarize the features of posters3. Try to make a poster about wildlife.Step 1 Lead inLook at the the posters on the textbook and ask:Which emotions do the posters communicate ?Step 2 Read the poster and answer the questions.1. What do you think of the animals in the poster on the left ?I think it is frightening and ugly.2. Why do we should protect the ugly animals ?All species--the good, the bad, and the ugly-- should be treated equally.The world needs all kinds--without variety, our planet cannot survive.3. Why are billions of trees being cut down every year ?To make paper for humans.4. What result will be lead to after the trees are cut down ?A lost of animal homes are being destroyed./The habitat of wildlife is being destroyed.Step 3 Find the feature of posters1. What does each poster use to stir up emotions ?On the left, it makes us a little frightened and it looks a little ugly, but it can activate our curiosity--What is it? And What is wrong with it?On the right, it makes us feel a little sad and want to protect them.
(4)Now we have heard a number of outstanding speeches ... 我們已經聆聽了許多精彩的發(fā)言……(5)Because we wanted the nations of the world, working together, to deal with ... 因為我們希望全世界各國團結起來去應對……(6)And if we do not act ... 如果我們不采取行動……(7)Now, I share the concerns that have been expressed ... 我也同意對于……表達的擔心(8)Let us show the world that by working together we can ... 讓我們告訴全世界,通過一起努力我們可以……(9)It is now time for us to ... 是時候我們……(10)And I have always wished that ... 我一直希望……(11)Thank you for letting me share this day with me.感謝你們和我共度這一天。實踐演練:假如你是高中生李華,你校將舉辦一次以“音樂”為主題的演講比賽,請你按照主題,寫下你的演講稿。注意:詞數100左右。First of all, thank you for listening to my speech. My topic is: love music like love yourself.Music is like the air we need to maintain our normal lives around us. You can't imagine how terrible a world without music would be. Movies and TV shows have no music, only dry conversations and scenes; mobile phones only vibrations; streets only noisy crowds; cafes, western restaurants only depressed meals. What a terrible world it is!As a student, I hope we all can enjoy the fun brought by music in our spare time. Instead of just listening to music, we can even make our own music. Let's enjoy the fun of music!Thanks again for your attention!
Is there a clear purpose for the trip? :Does each paragraph have a clear main idea? Does the writer use the present continuous tense for future plans?Does the writer use commas, stops, and question marks correctly? Are all the words spelt correctly?Are all the proper nouns capitalized?Revise your draft according to your partner's comments.Step 5:The summary of how to write a travel plan.旅游計劃是一種常見的應用文寫作。旅游可分為觀光游、文化游、美食游及探險游等不同類型,因此旅游計劃也要根據不同的旅游目的進行設計。常規(guī)的旅游計劃需要明確以下幾個方面的問題:Travel planWhen will you leave for? Where is your the destination?How will you get there?What will you do there?How long will you there?Is there a clear purpose for the trip? 為了提升旅行計劃的層級,還需注意以下幾個方面的問題:1.每段是否有明確清晰的主題;2.用一般現(xiàn)在時代替一般將來時;3.用更高級的形容詞詞匯。例如:表達“好”時,不要總用“nice”,我們還可以用“smart, clean, excellent, exciting, beautiful, wonderful, clever, famous, grand”等表達更具有指向性的詞匯;4.用更高級的動詞詞匯。比如:我們可以用“seem stand, lie .get stay, remain, look . sound, become . keep, grow”等代替"be";
The theme of thepart is “Describe a place that you like”.
This lesson aimsat imitating describing a place after reading the text. It is known thatIreland is famous for its beautiful countryside scenery and its history. Duringthe text, the author describes the beauty and traditions from a perspective ofa traveler. The author describes the countryside scenery of Ireland like thelandscape, the roar of the ocean waves and the cries of seabirds, the sun and asweet scent of fresh flowers from the sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch,which gives the readers a direct image. The author describes the beautifulscenery with a rich and sensitive writing method which makes the scenerylively. Most importantly, the author expresses the love for the countrysidescenery of Ireland.
Therefore,students should be guided to describe a place with the rich and sensitivewriting method and express their love for the places they are familiar with orinterested in.
1.Read the articleand experience the beauty as the author .
2.Develop thewriting skills by describing the beauty from sight, smell, taste, hearing andtouch.
3.Learn to organisean essay with “Introduction---Body---Ending”.
4.Learn to judge andcorrect other essays.
1.Develop thewriting skills by describing the beauty from sight, smell, taste, hearing andtouch.
2.Learn to organisean essay with “Introduction---Body---Ending”
Step 1 Lead in
There are many interest ofplaces in the UK. What do you know ?
The Big Ben the London Tower the Thames River
Step 2 Before reading---analyze the title
Beautiful Irelandand its tradition
We know that the article mainly tells about the beauty and traditions ofIreland.
Step 3 While reading---Task 1
Read the text andanswer the following questions.
Q1: What makes the Irishcountryside exciting and inspiring?
Its beauty andhow it offers something for all the scenes.
Q2: What are thebest ways to experience some Irish traditions and cultures?
By stopping by avillage pub and relaxing with a drink and traditional meal while listening tomusic and watching dancing
Q3: What is the meaning of “breathe in the sweet scent of fresh flowerswhile birds greet the new day with their morning song ?”
It means to notjust smell but also breathe in the smell of fresh flowers early in the morningas the birds sing their first song of the new day.
Q4: What are the best ways toexperience Chinese traditions and customs ?
By travelling to different places and using all your senses to experienceeverything and by interacting with local people.
Step 4 While reading---Task 2
Analyze the descriptiveparagraph
1. Identify and underline the paragraph’s introductory sentence and theending sentence.
Introductorysentence: Ireland’sbeautiful countryside has always had a great influence on its people andtraditions.
Ending sentence: And if you introduce yourself to a friendly face, youare more than likely to experience local culture and customs first-hand.
2. The paragraph talks about different sensesin different places. Write the senses and places in the order that they appear.
3.What words doesthe writer use to describe sensory details ?
sight: feast for the eyes smell: sweet scent
taste: delicious hearing: roar,cries, music of the coast, morning song
touch: feel the sun on yourskin
Step 5 Writing---Choose the title
Work in pairs.Chooseone of your favorite places and tell a partner why do you think it isinteresting, exciting or surprising.
My village
Step 6 Writing---Describe the place
1.What can yousee? The sunrise, red, the mountains,children, adults, gold haze, stars,
2.How does the placefeel? Beautiful, quiet, peaceful
3.What can you tastethere ? delicious and daily food
4.What can you hear? the call/shout, the sound of birds
5.What can yousmell?
The sound of roosters, loud cries,laughter, the smell of hot oil and fragrant spices,
6.What does theplace make you think or feel ? everything is good and nice
Step 7 Writing---Organize the essay
Step 8 Writing
Inmy village, every day starts with a “fire”! The houses turn red as the sunrises above the mountains.
Seeing the flames, the roosters sound the alarm. Theywake everyone in the village with their loud cries, chasing the children toschool and rushing the adults to work. In the evening, a gold haze settles overeverything. This is my favorite time of the day, when all work for the day hasbeen completed. When the smell of hot oil and fragrant spices float through theair, I know that it will soon be time for dinner.轉載請注明出處!本文地址:
http://17025calibrations.com/worddetails_57179035.html1、該生學習態(tài)度端正 ,能夠積極配合老師 ,善于調動課堂氣氛。 能夠積極完成老師布置的任務。學習勁頭足,聽課又專注 ,做事更認 真 ,你是同學們學習的榜樣。但是,成績只代表昨天,并不能說明你 明天就一定也很優(yōu)秀。所以,每個人都應該把成績當作自己騰飛的起 點。2、 你不愛說話 ,但勤奮好學,誠實可愛;你做事踏實、認真、為 人忠厚 ,是一個品行端正、有上進心、有良好的道德修養(yǎng)的好學生。在學習上,積極、主動,能按時完成老師布置的作業(yè),經過努力 ,各 科成績都有明顯進步,你有較強的思維能力和學習領悟力,學習也有 計劃性,但在老師看來,你的潛力還沒有完全發(fā)揮出來,學習上還要有持久的恒心和頑強的毅力。
1、該生學習態(tài)度端正 ,能夠積極配合老師 ,善于調動課堂氣氛。 能夠積極完成老師布置的任務。學習勁頭足,聽課又專注 ,做事更認 真 ,你是同學們學習的榜樣。但是,成績只代表昨天,并不能說明你 明天就一定也很優(yōu)秀。所以,每個人都應該把成績當作自己騰飛的起 點。2、 你不愛說話 ,但勤奮好學,誠實可愛;你做事踏實、認真、為 人忠厚 ,是一個品行端正、有上進心、有良好的道德修養(yǎng)的好學生。在學習上,積極、主動,能按時完成老師布置的作業(yè),經過努力 ,各 科成績都有明顯進步,你有較強的思維能力和學習領悟力,學習也有 計劃性,但在老師看來,你的潛力還沒有完全發(fā)揮出來,學習上還要有持久的恒心和頑強的毅力。