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    【教學(xué)重點】直線的點斜式方程、斜截式方程的確定.【教學(xué)難點】直線的點斜式方程、斜截式方程的確定.【教學(xué)過程】1、對特殊三角函數(shù)進行鞏固復(fù)習(xí);表1 內(nèi)特殊三角函數(shù)值 不存在圖1 特殊三角形2、鞏固復(fù)習(xí)直線的傾斜角和斜率相關(guān)內(nèi)容;直線的傾斜角:,;直線的斜率: , ;設(shè)點為直線l上的任意兩點,當時,

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    人教版新課標PEP小學(xué)英語三年級上冊Happy Birthday(全英文版)說課稿

    1. Do some exercise on the paper. There are four kinds of exercise here. The exercise 1 is to develop Ss’ ability of listening. Exercise 2 is to practice Ss’ ability of knowing the words. Exercise 3 is to develop Ss’ ability of speaking numbers and letters. Exercise 4 is to make Ss know the words and letters well. These exercises can consolidate the new knowledge from different styles of problems.2. Then tell Ss that we can sing the numbers like “ Do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do” and let them listen to a song named “Do, Re, Mi”. Add some extra knowledge so that Ss will be glad to see that the numbers can be used in another way.Step 4 Homework1.Read the numbers from 1 to 7 and 7 to 1 five times.2.Read the letters “u, v, w” five times follow the tape.Reading is a useful way for the Ss of Grade One to practice the knowledge. Ask Ss to imitate reading from the tape in order to make Ss have a good habit of listening and let them have a better pronunciation.Step 5 Board writingI ‘ll put the seven numbers like a scale(音階)as I’ll let Ss know that we can sing out the numbers. When it comes to listen to the song, I ‘ll draw a musical note on Bb. Unit 9 Happy birthday!sevensixfivefourthree U u V v W wtwo pupil five windowoneThat’s all for my class designing. Thank you for listening!

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    一、 說教材  Firstly, let’s focus on theteaching material. It include 3 parts: teaching status、teachingaim、the key and difficult points.  Now, I will talk about the analysis of teaching status:  1. 教學(xué)地位(體現(xiàn)教材的整合)  The lesson is the first Unit of Module .  It focuses on the topic of , and serves as a connectinglink between the preceding and the following unit. So we can see that it playan important role in the whole book.  2. 教學(xué)目標 (根據(jù)具體內(nèi)容定目標和要求)  The main instructional aims of teaching English inprimary school is to cultivate pupils’ basic abilitiesof their listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language,so I design 3 aims:

  • 查看更多相關(guān)Word文檔

Canada-the true north說課稿4篇


Teaching plan for Unit 5 Canada-the truenorth Book3

Good afternoon, everyone, It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing mylesson with you. The content of my lesson is Senior English for China Book3Unit 5Canada-the true north. I’ll be ready to begin this lesson from fiveparts. Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studyingmethods, the teaching procedures, and the blackboard design. First, let me talkabout the teaching material.


Part 1 Teaching Material:

This unit is about Canada. By studying ofthis unit, we’llenable the students to know some basic information of Canada, such as it’s location, it’s climate, it’s characteristics and so on. At the sametime ,Let the students learn how to understand and respect different culturesin different foreign countries. According to the new standard curriculum andthe syllabus (新課程標準和教學(xué)大綱), after studying the teaching materialand analyzing the rule of children’s growing of mind, I think the teachingobjectives are as follows:

1. Knowledge objectives:

a) The Ss can hear, read, and use the mainsentence patterns b) The Ss can understand the content of the lesson.

c) The Ss can use the patterns to expresstheir thoughts in the proper situation.

2. Ability objects:

(1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, readingand writing.

(2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs.

(3) To improve the student’s reading ability, especially theirskimming and scanning ability.

3. Emotion or moral objects:

To understand the different cultures indifferent contries.

Now, let’s come to the important points and thedifficult points.

That is how to make the ss understand thepassage quickly and effectively.

Part 2 Teaching Methods:

In my opinion, the main instructional aimsof learning English in the Middle School is to develop the students’ abilities of listening, speaking,reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in thislesson I’llmainly use “Communicative” Approach(交際教學(xué)法), “Whole language teaching” (整體語言教學(xué)法)and “Task-based” language teaching (任務(wù)教學(xué)法).

Part 3 Studying Methods:

Our students are almost from thecountryside. They are lack of geography knowledge and the cultural backgroundof those foreign countries. Therefore , I ’ll have Ss study through the process ofseeing, hearing, saying, observing, thinking etc.

Teaching Aids:

The blackboard, the textbook, a picture ofCanada, the multimedia. The tape recorder.

Part 4 Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in.

At the beginning of the class, I will showa picture of Canada on page 33 to the ss. And ask them where Canada is and doyou want to go to Canada.

Step 2 Fast reading

Read the passage quickly and find the mainidea of each para. And ask some ss to do the match on the blackboard.

Step 3 Detailed reading

Listen to the tape and answer thequestions below:

Find out the characteristics in thepassage, their routine and the places where they go.

Step 5 Discussion

Work in pairs and discuss the question:

What’s the real meaning of ‘ the true north’ in the title.

Step4 Homework.

Summarize the whole lesson, and arrangethe homework.

Ask Ss to write a short passage aboutCanada according what you have learnt in the passage.

Part 5 Blackboard Design.

On the left, I will write some importantwords and phrases. On the right, I will write the match. To ask the ss to matchthe main idea of each para. That is all my lesson. Thank you very much!


Unit 5 Reading :A Trip On-“The True North”集體備課


這篇文章以游記的形式,記述了李黛予和劉倩去加拿大看她們的表兄妹的途中見聞, 沿著從西向東的旅游路線向我們介紹了加拿大的地理位置、面積、地貌、主要城市、生態(tài)環(huán)境、風(fēng)土人情以及該國的多元文化。兩位女孩在旅途中看到了自然美景及野生動物,文章還提到了加拿大的自然資源,介紹雖然不是詳細,但涉及面較寬,使學(xué)生對加拿大的美麗、富饒、幅員遼闊、地廣人稀等特征有了更深的了解。學(xué)生可以通過學(xué)習(xí)課文,掌握新的詞匯句型和游記的寫法,提高學(xué)生的閱讀能力。













1、速讀法;2. 問答法3. 翻譯法;4. 討論法;5. 快樂教學(xué)法



課前播放加拿大國歌,由歌詞中很多個Canada從而引入,提問:how much do know about Canada?在幻燈片上打出有關(guān)加拿大的選擇題,地理位置,語言,主要城市,國家領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人和今年加拿大溫哥華冬奧會等方面。這一步是在學(xué)生預(yù)習(xí)和查閱相關(guān)資料的基礎(chǔ)上,采用組外競爭組內(nèi)合作的方式,學(xué)生搶答,以小組為單位計分。目的在于激發(fā)學(xué)生對本單元話題的興趣,活躍課堂氣氛,引入本課主題。

第二步:導(dǎo)入reading 部分(7分鐘)

把國旗標志放到最后,由于國旗有楓葉(maple leaf)通過提問激起學(xué)生旅游的欲望,自然導(dǎo)入Reading部分。(If a mountain is covered with red mapleleaves, do you want to go there to admire the scenery of it.)

第三步: Fast reading(8分鐘)聽課本錄音,通過數(shù)字進一步了解Canada

1.What these number is about?

Second:second largest country in the world

5,500:It is 5,500 km from coast to coast.

320:Most Canadians live within 320 km of theUSA border.

Thirty:The population of Canada is only slightlyover thirty million

one-third:Canada has one-third of the world’s fresh water

2. What is “The Ture North”?

Sample:“The True North” is the train that goes across Canada /the cross-Canada train.


第四步: Careful reading(20分鐘)


Keys:Li Daiyu ;Liu Qian;visit;plane;train;Montreal, Canada


第2 / 3頁

Distance 5,500 kilometres _______________



Scenery: Going eastward, you’ll pass .______

Canada 1.the__________part

2.the__________city population ___ rapidly

Vancouver trees extremely tall

measuring __ metres

Keys: from coast to coast; mountains;lakes and forest; wide rivers and large cities; warmest; most beautiful; Canada’s most; oldest and most beautiful; wet; isincreasing; over 90. Read Para 3-5 and answer the following questions.(10分鐘)

1 What mountains did they cross ealierthat day?

2 Which city did they go after crossingthe mountains?

3 What did the girls think about Canadaafter 2 days’travel?

4 Where did they go after dinner?

5 Which lake did the train rush acrossthat night, and what’stheir next destination(目的地)? 通過時間結(jié)合路線,讓同學(xué)們跟著這2個女孩繼續(xù)旅行。

Keys:1.Earlier that day, …Rocky Mountains;2. Calgary…;3. After 2 days’ travel, … empty…

4. dinner, …Thunder Bay… ; 5 That night … across Lake Superior … Toronto.


第五步:Discussion & action (口語訓(xùn)練)(10分鐘)









Canada—The True North

Teaching plan

Analysis of material:

1. intensive reading

2. language is simple

3. structure is clear

Key points:

1. Help students figure out the structureand understand the meaning of the


2. help students understand the geographicfeatures of Canada

Difficult points

1. Create the foreign feelings

2. Distinguish Canada’s geography and climate from China’s

In order to solve the difficult points,music play will be used. While students are

reading the passage, I will play theEnglish songs which including rumbles sound like

train (5mintues). And use map to show thelocation of Canada. The specific details

will be explained latter

Analysis of students:

1. Curious about the world, especially theforeign peoples and foreign culture.

They desire to know more about the world

2. Own the abilities of analyzing andconcluding.

3. Have their own ideas toward the world

Teaching objectives:

Knowledge: 1. sentences’ expressions 2. Basic knowledge aboutCanada

Emotion: develop the consciousness ofappreciation to nature

Ability: ability of analyzing and abilityof concluding

Teaching methods:

The silent way Group discussion

Teaching aids:

PPT multi-media blackboard

Teaching procedure:

Warming up(6min):

1. show a map of world (to show thelocation of Canada)

And a map of Canada (to show the locationof famous cities) 2.show pictures of famous cities(Vancouver溫哥華, Ottawa渥太華,,Montreal 蒙特利爾,) and beautiful landscapes(Niagara FallsOntario尼阿加拉大瀑布 )

aim:By adding visual effects to attractstudents’attention and stimulate their

interests. And spread basic informationabout Canada.

Pre-reading (8min):

(1.What language(s) do Canadiansspeak?------English and French

2. What is national animal of Canada?----- Beaver

3. How many Great Lakes are there inCanada?

4. What is the Canadian leader called)

Organize the group discussion to activethe atmosphere and broaden students’ minds

(1. If you take o trip to Canada, what doyou think you might see there?

(2. What three words would you see todescribe Canada?

Aims: Put forward some questions to changetheir eyes to me and the textbook. And spread information further more. Offerthem a stage to share their thoughts about Canada


Give them 5min to read the passage (5min)

After students finish their reading, givethem 1 min to figure out the structure, and then encourage them to be avolunteer to show his idea. If the student gives correct answer, then I willpraise him. If not, I will still praise for his courage and publish the rightanswer.(10min)

Aim: (to develop students’ ability of analyzing and their betterunderstanding to the passage. Besides it can also prevent students from losingtheir focus)


Part1.(1) Part2.(2) Introduce the maincharacters and the place Depicts geography of Canada in general

Part3.(3-5) Explain their trip accordingto the time structure

Appreciate some beautiful sentences(9min):

Skiing in the Rocky Mountains and sailingin the harbor make Vancouver one of

Canada’s most popular cities (現(xiàn)在分詞引導(dǎo)的名詞短語作make 的主語。這種句子結(jié)構(gòu)值得學(xué)習(xí)。) After appreciate the sentence, inspirestudents to make similar sentences by themselves

You are going to see some great scenery,Going ahead, you will pass mountains and thousands of lakes and forests, aswell as wide rivers and large cities(該句呈現(xiàn)出較強的畫面感,由山到湖到森林和現(xiàn)代化大都市。)

They went through a wheat-growing provinceand saw farms that covered thousands of acres (wheat-growing 由名詞和動詞復(fù)合而成構(gòu)成形容詞,類似的詞語還有sun-tanned , pain-killer)

Aim (to train their ability to appreciatesentences and learning new words. And by show the structure of sentence to tellthem how to write composition)

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