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  • 人教版新課標PEP小學(xué)英語三年級上冊Look at me教案(全英文版)

    人教版新課標PEP小學(xué)英語三年級上冊Look at me教案(全英文版)

    3、Practicea. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you,too.b. Perform the dialogue.c. Arrange the dialogue according to the pictures or sentence cards.d. Let’s play.A: Good afternoon,B. This is C. Hello, C! Nice to meet you.C: Nice to meet you, too.A,B: Goodbye!C: Bye!4、Assessment Workbook page 10Add-activitiesa. Listen to the recording and repeat.b. Make a dialogue according to "Let’s talk".Second Period一、Teaching contents1. Let’s learn Words:body, leg, arm, hand, finger, foot.1. Let’s do二、Preparation1、a puppet2、Cards of body, leg, arm, hand, finger and foot.3、headgear of a captain三、Teaching steps1、Warm-up/ Revisiona. Captain says to review "let’s do" of Part A.b. Perform the students their own dialogues.2、Presentationa. Learn to say "body, leg, arm, hand, finger and foot."b. Listen to the recording and repeat.c. Let’s do. Clap your hands. Snap your fingers. Wave your arms. Cross your legs. Shake your body. Stamp your foot.3、Practicea. Let’s draw a person.b. Let’s do. Point out which picture.c. Let’s do. Who responses faster.4、Assessment Workbook page 115、Add-activitiesa. Listen to the recording, repeat and act out.b. Say all the names of the body to your parents.Third Period一、Teaching contents1. Let’s check2. Let’s chant二、Preparation1、stationeries1、pictures of parts of Zoom

  • 小學(xué)英語說課稿全英文15分鐘版


    一、 說教材  Firstly, let’s focus on theteaching material. It include 3 parts: teaching status、teachingaim、the key and difficult points.  Now, I will talk about the analysis of teaching status:  1. 教學(xué)地位(體現(xiàn)教材的整合)  The lesson is the first Unit of Module .  It focuses on the topic of , and serves as a connectinglink between the preceding and the following unit. So we can see that it playan important role in the whole book.  2. 教學(xué)目標 (根據(jù)具體內(nèi)容定目標和要求)  The main instructional aims of teaching English inprimary school is to cultivate pupils’ basic abilitiesof their listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language,so I design 3 aims:

  • 人教版新課標PEP小學(xué)英語三年級上冊Happy birthday教案

    人教版新課標PEP小學(xué)英語三年級上冊Happy birthday教案

    (2)猜猜看每次請一個同學(xué)在黑板上畫一種剛學(xué)到的物品,他每畫一筆,就請班上的同學(xué)用英語猜他畫的是什么。如猜得正確,就請下一位同學(xué)再重新開始畫另一種物品。(3)Let’s rhyme.將所學(xué)的單詞替換第一單元的Let’s chant中的文具。教師將全班分為兩大組,教師舉圖片提示,如第一組說:I have a balloon.第二組一起說:Me too. 拍手,舉第二幅圖時兩組交換。以此類推。(4)教師將單詞的圖片先面朝上貼在黑板上,給學(xué)生20秒時間記住這些單詞,然后每張圖卡用1張彩色紙蓋上。學(xué)生要先說出彩色紙的顏色,再說出下面卡上的詞。待學(xué)生熟悉后,可加大游戲難度,將蓋著彩色紙的圖卡在(黑板上)打亂,進行游戲。(5)讓學(xué)生聽錄音,邊說邊做Let’s do部分的活動。(6)教師將Let’s do中的圖卡打亂順序,貼在黑板上,教師說一個指令,請學(xué)生指出正確的圖片。正確的可為本組贏一分。

  • 人教版新課標PEP小學(xué)英語三年級上冊Happy birthday說課稿3篇

    人教版新課標PEP小學(xué)英語三年級上冊Happy birthday說課稿3篇

    四、本課教學(xué)目標: ㈠ 語言知識目標: 1.Words: 能正確說birthday。 2.Drills: 能用以下句型進行交流Happy birthday to you. -Thank you.復(fù)習(xí)句型:How old are you ? (練習(xí)有關(guān)年齡的問答)。 ㈡ 語言技能目標:根據(jù)圖片和情境說單詞和句子。在一定場景下進行簡單的英語交流和表演。㈢ 情感態(tài)度目標:通過本課學(xué)習(xí)使學(xué)生有興趣聽、說英語、做游戲、敢于開口,樂于模仿,在鼓勵性評價中樹立信心,在小組合作學(xué)習(xí)中感受學(xué)英語的樂趣,在給好朋友、親人過生日的過程中感受友情、親情的溫暖。 五、重點: 1.Learn the words. birthday 2.Using the sentences to ask and answer. 難點: 1. Words: birthday的 正確發(fā)音。 2.Using the sentences to ask and answer. 六、課前準備 1 教師準備數(shù)字1—10的單詞圖片課件。。 2教師準備過生日用的蠟燭、氣球、生日蛋糕圖片等。 3學(xué)生準備過生日用的蠟燭、氣球、生日蛋糕盒、生日帽等 4學(xué)生準備骰子。

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    Lorem ipsum dolor: sit ametconsectet gelit. it ellentesque eleife ornare ipsun enunc pulvinati ncidunt.quis pul vinar mellu Lorem ipsum dolor: sit amet consectet gelit. itellentesque eleife ornare ipsun enunc pulvinati ncidunt. quis pul vinar mellu。Loremipsum dolor: sit amet consectet gelit. it ellentesque eleife ornare ipsun enuncpulvinati ncidunt. quis pul vinar mellu.

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Happy Birthday說課稿(全英文版)

Good morning, teachers:

I’m glad to be here to saysomething about my teaching plan. Today I’ll mainly talk about the first periodof Unit 9 in Book 1B of Oxford Primary School English.

Part 1 Analysis of theTeaching Material:

It is not a long history thatEnglish is as a subject in primary school in our country and the maininstructional aim is to cultivate students’ basic abilities of listening andspeaking, also their good sense of the English language. The contents of Book 1Bare connected with Book 1A tightly, so teachers should use the knowledge whichstudents have already learnt to teach the new one. However, to developstudents’ keen interests in English is still important. There are five parts ofeach unit in Book 1B and the 26 letters are also asked to be taught tostudents.Unit9 mainly talks about the birthday and how to ask others’ age. Ofcourse the numbers are taught here. Our children have already been familiarwith the numbers from one to ten. They can say the numbers correctly but cannotknow these words well. So I’ll practice the Ss’ ability of knowing the words ofthe numbers more from one to seven. As the three new letters appear in thesenumber words, I choose Part B and Part C to teach together.

ⅠTeaching aims

(1) Knowledge aims:

1. Can listen and speak the words “one, two, three, four, five, six,seven, pupil”.

2. Can listen and read theletters:Uu, Vv, Ww

(2) Ability aims:

1. To improve Ss’ speaking andlistening abilities.

2. Help Ss to learn to say andknow the words of the numbers.

(3) Moral aims:

To help Ss compete with othersand achieve success.

ⅡTeaching key points

1. Can read and understand thenumber words correctly.

2. Can find the new letters inthe different words.

Ⅲ Teaching difficulties

1. To help Ss distinguishbetween three and seven, four and five.

2. To help Ss apply theknowledge in everyday communication.

Ⅳ Teaching aids

1. Word cards, PPT (CAI), apen, two pencils, some stars.

2. Write the topic and drawlines on Bb before class.

Part 2 Teaching Methods

I’ll arrange four kinds ofactivities in this class: doing actions as the T says, saying rhymes, playing asmall game and doing some exercise. These activities are used during theprocedures as it is to adjust the atmosphere of English learning.

Part 3 Studying ways

As the Ss have no problem inreading the numbers, I’ll practice Ss’ ability of knowing the words more. Thenew letter exits in the number word, so I’ll teach the number words togetherwith the letters. I’ll use some activities to increase Ss’ interests ofEnglish. At last, I’ll add an extra knowledge to Ss so that they can loveEnglish better.

Part 4 Teaching procedures andpurposes of my designing.

I’ll finish this lesson infour steps.

Step1 Warming-up

1. Greetings.

2. Free talk.

3. Do the actions as the Tsays.

After greeting with the Ss,I’ll have a free talk with them using the sentence structures which they havealready learnt. Let them come into the English world quickly. Then I’ll let Ssdo as I say and increase the speed of my words in order to warm up theatmosphere.

Step 2 Presentation

1. I’ll use a pen to lead toteach the number “one”. Show the word card and put on Bb. I’ll let Ss spell andread in order to let Ss know that the word is made up of some letters. Also itcan help consolidate the letters.

2. Then I’ll use two pencilsto lead to teach the number “two”, and show the word “too” on PPT as the wordhas the same pronunciation with the number two. Through this procedure Ss canread the word correctly.

3. Then I’ll let Ss spell“two” and lead to teach the letter “w”. Of course I’ll write “w” on the linesin order to give the impression of the words’ writing and prepare for theletters’ learning in Grade Two. I’ll let Ss think more other words which havethe letter “w” thus it can help Ss learn the letter well.

4. After teaching “w”, I’lllet Ss come back to the Bb and count the letters of “one” and “two”. They bothhave three letters and teach “three”. I’ll show the word “mouth” and let Ss payattention to “th”, then show the word “green” and let Ss pay attention to“ree”. At last, we can draw a conclusion that th + ree = three. It can make Ssknow both how to read and how to remember easily.

5. Have a small drill aboutplus and minus. It is to practice “one, two, three” and I’ll let Ss say theanswers in English. This procedure can adjust the atmosphere.

6. I’ll use the last mathproblem “1+3=”to lead to teach the number “four”. I’ll show the word “for”which Ss have already learnt and it has the same pronunciation with “four”.I’ll also let Ss say a rhyme about “for” with clapping hands in order todevelop Ss’ interests. Through this procedure Ss can read the word in a rightway.

7. I’ll let Ss spell “four”and lead to teach the letter “u”. First I’ll show the word “you” on PPT inorder to let Ss understand that the letter “u” has the same pronunciation withthe word “you”. Let Ss try their best to think the other words which have “u”in. I’ll write the letter “u” on the lines to show the writing of the new letter.

8. Then teach a new word“pupil” which also has the letter “u”. Teach the number “five” by counting theletters of “pupil”. I’ll show “fine” on PPT in order to explain “fi” pronounces/fаi/. This is to make Ss readthe word correctly.

9. Spell “five” and lead toteach the letter “v”. I’ll write the letter on the lines on Bb in order to letSs have a deep impression of it. Let Ss think and say out the other words whichalso have “v”. Then tell Ss that the number “seven” has the letter “v” in andteach “seven”.

10. Play a small game: Look atT’s fingers and say out the numbers quickly. It is to consolidate the numbersand make Ss be more familiar with them. At last, lead to teach the last number“six” by doing the gesture of “six” through the game. This game is not only toadjust the atmosphere but also a good way to teach new knowledge.

11. Read all the numbers from1 to 7 and 7 to 1. Read all the letters from u to w and w to u. Then play asmall game to practice the three letters. Also the game can make Ss concentrateon the class. Each of the players can get a star as a prize.

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