1. 教材分析本單元以how do things affect you?為話題, 從顏色、天氣、音樂、廣告、產(chǎn)品等方面談論了外界事物如何影響人的心情。要求學生掌握表達某物或某事給人帶來的感覺、看法或影響等。共設計了四個部分的內容:Section A 該部分有4個模塊:第一模塊圍繞Which restaurant would you like to go to?這一話題展開思維(1a)、聽力(1b)、口語(1c)訓練;第二模塊圍繞How does music affect you? 進行聽力(2a-2b)、口語訓練(2c);第三模塊繼續(xù)圍繞how do colors in the restaurant affect you這一話題展開訓練,訓練形式為閱讀和問題體驗(3a)和小組活動(3b);第四模塊仍就How do things affect you這一話題以調查的形式展開討論。Section B該部分有4個模塊:第一模塊圍繞產(chǎn)品廣告對人們的影響這一話題以“配對”(1a)與“列舉”(1b)兩種形式展開訓練;第二模塊繼續(xù)圍繞How do things affect you? 進行聽力(2a-2b)、口語對話訓練(2c);第三模塊圍繞“Advertising”這一話題展開閱讀(3a-3b)和寫作(3c)訓練;第四模塊圍繞How posters affect you這一話題以口語訓練形式展開小組活動。
二 、教材分析本單元主要是通過對一些國家的風俗習慣、禮儀差異、時間觀念和飲食文化的學習,進一步提高學生對文明生活的認識;加深學生對中外文化的了解,拓展學生的文化視野,為學生閱讀相關方面的文章奠定一定的文化基礎。我們知道近幾年來有關風俗文化,生活習慣的 閱讀內容一直是中考熱門的話題之一。通過本單元的學習,學生可以掌握一定的相關方面的知識,為今后在閱讀積累必要的信息。在Section A 當中出現(xiàn)的 be supposed to 句型為重點句型,此句型的語法結構為被動語態(tài)。被動語態(tài)也是歷年來中考基礎命題必考的內容之一。比如,去年的中考試題,在基礎選擇部分試題中就出現(xiàn)了對此語法結構考查。Section A 首先通過一些圖片和句型來讓學生初步了解本單元的語言目標。然后,通過練習進一步加以鞏固。接著通過一組聽力練習,來訓練學生的聽力,同時,學生可以具體了解到不同的國家在風俗習慣等方面有著怎樣的不同。為下面的學習進行鋪墊,同時激發(fā)學生了解更多的相關知識的學習興趣。
《新目標英語》中的具體語言目標是通過各種各樣的Tasks來實現(xiàn)的;學生需要運用具體而特定的行動來完成一定的交際任務。整個教學過程中,各種語言結構與語言功能與不同的學習任務有機的結合。任務活動所謀求的效果不是一種機械的語言訓練,而是側重在執(zhí)行任務中學生自我完成任務的能力和策略的培養(yǎng);重視形式在完成任務過程中的參與和在交流活動中所獲得的經(jīng)驗。因此本節(jié)課我將始終引導學生通過完成具體的任務活動來學習語言,讓學生為了特定的學習目的去實施特定的語言行動,通過完成特定的交際任務來獲得和積累相應的學習經(jīng)驗,讓學生在用中學,在學中用。 2、教學原則 l 活動性原則 提倡學生主動參與,體驗,交流,合作,探究等多種學習。 l 合作性原則 以學生為主體,師生合作,生生合作,體現(xiàn)教與學的互動,交往。 l 任務型原則 任務驅動—激發(fā)動機;任務完成—激勵學習積極性;執(zhí)行任務—培養(yǎng)責任 心和合作精神。 l 情感性原則 激發(fā)學生學習英語的興趣和始終保持良好的學習情緒。
二 說學情 “以學生的發(fā)展為本”的新課程理念,要求教學必須以學生的學習基礎、學生需要、學習興趣等為出發(fā)點,聯(lián)系學生的現(xiàn)代校內外生活,讓課堂教學成為學生生命成長和個性張揚的過程。要實現(xiàn)以“學生為本”的理念,教學中必須要做到充分地預設學情。初三學生已經(jīng)具備了一定的語言基礎及語言表達能力,大部分學生對英語還有著比較濃厚的興趣。同時,在長期的新課程理念熏陶及實踐中,已經(jīng)初步具備了自主,合作,探究的能力。本課教學內容與學生的實際生活密切相關,易于引發(fā)學生運用簡單的英語進行交際和交流。通過八年級下冊第九單元“Have you ever been to an amusement park?”的學習,學生已初步了解現(xiàn)在完成時的基本特征和結構,也比較熟悉“has/have been to…”的句型,這非常有利于本單元教學活動的開展。在此基礎上,本單元以“Preparing for a vacation”和“Favorite band”等貼近學生實際生活的內容為話題,繼續(xù)學習帶有already與yet的現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài),較快地激發(fā)學生的學習積極性,達成本單元的教學目標。
二、教法學法1、任務型教學法:每個教學環(huán)節(jié)都是圍繞著如何完成一個教學任務來設計的。2、感悟法:創(chuàng)設語境,讓學生在一定的語言環(huán)境中感悟語言內涵,從而實現(xiàn)悟中學的目的。只有學生自己悟出的東西才能較好地內化為自己的東西。3、合作點撥法:通過教師創(chuàng)設的學習氛圍,設置問題和反思質疑,推動師生,生生間的合作探究,小組合作學習,在解決問題中完成教學目標。以培養(yǎng)他們的合作探究的意識與精神。三、教學程序1 導入新課利用課件中的圖片導入:在大屏幕上出示汶川大地震中一些悲慘的圖片,讓同學們說出汶川,然后老師說as well-know a stong earthquake happened in wenchuan,so many kind people go there to help others.再出示一些軍人,醫(yī)療工作者,志愿者忙碌的身影,特別是溫家寶總理看望受傷的孩子,讓同學們知道一方有難,四方支持,幫助困難中的人是很有意義的。然后說Would you like to help others?What would you like to do?
Rainy days make me sad. Section A la、lb、lc 英文說課稿
Hello, everyone ,
Today I’m very pleased to have anopportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is Section A(1a-1c , Grammar Focus) in Unit13 . It is made up of seven parts.
1. Analysis textbook(教材分析)
2. The teaching methods(教學方法)
3. The learning methods(說學法)
4. Analysis the students(說學情)
5. The procedures of the teaching(教學步驟)
6. Blackboard design(板書設計)
7. Self evaluation.(自評)
Part 1 The analysis of the teachingmaterial:
This lesson is about listening and speaking. It plays a very importantpart in the English teaching of this unit. By studying Section A , The studentscan improve their speaking ability, learn more about things that affect people.At the same time, we should get the students to understand better. The studentsshould do some listening, speaking and writing, too. Of course, the studentsshould receive some moral education. Let the students have positive attitude todealing with things around them.
1. Teaching objects
The teaching aims are established according to Junior School Englishcurriculum standard provision.
A.Language goals
1). Words & expressions :tense, some adjectives of feeling
2). Key sentences
Loud music makes me tense. (P103)
Loud music makes me want to dance.
That movie made me sad.
B.Ability goals
Enable the students to talk about how things affect them.
Emotion & attitude goals
Enable the students to understand the effect of things upon them.
The teaching key and difficult points are established according to SectionA ,Unit13 in the teaching material’s position and function.
2. Teaching Key Points
the usage of make.
3.Teaching Difficulties
Train the Ss to use make correctly.
To improve studentslistening ability.
To train studentscommunicative competence.
:Part 2. The teaching methods
Task-based teaching ;Cooperative learning;
Part 3. The learning methods
1). Set up six steps. It ispresentation– words – pairwork – listening practice–Grammar - practice
2). Ask the students to take partin class actively and develop their cooperation in the activities .
Part 4. Analysis the students
The students have learned some words about feeling and they have know theword make. But they don’t often use English to express themselves andcommunicate with others. Some Ss are not active in the class because they areafraid of making mistakes.
Part 5. The procedures of the teaching
I have designed the following steps to train their ability of listening,speaking, reading and writing, writing , especially listening and speaking. Setup six steps. It is greeting –lead-in -presentation– words – pairwork – listeningpractice–Grammar – practice – homework .
Step Ⅰ Lead- in .
Show the Ss a picture and then show the teaching material .
Purpose: Arouse the students interest of study.Bring in new subject: Rainy days make me sad.
Step II Presentation .
Review some words about feeling , then present the sentence structure .
A:What makes him/her sad?
B:Rainy days makes him sad.
Purpose :Through this part we can consolidate what they studied yesterday,communicate with others about their feelings and prepare for the new lesson.
Step III Listening (1a, 1b: P102)
Ask the students to listen to Amy and Tina talking about the tworestaurants and do the exercises.
Purpose :Train the Ss’ listening ability and prepare for later exercises.
Step IV Speaking (1c: P102)
Ask the students to talk about how music affects them. Let the Ss work in pairs andtalk about how thetwo restaurants would affect them.
Purpose :Train the Ss’ speaking ability and prepare for later exercises.
Step V Do a survey.
After learning 1b , 1c
, let the Ss do a survey about other things that affect them.
Purpose : This step can open the Ss eyesight and thought . It’s a stepfrom textbook to real life .
Step VI Grammar
1). Sum the usage of make then helpthem to say out the sentence structure.
2). Do some exercises toconsolidate the grammar .
Purpose: Train the Ss’ ability of understanding and using language.
Step VII Writing practice
1.List 4-5 things around you and then describe how the things affect you.
2.Composition Exams make me _______。
Purpose :I want to improve the ability of their writing. At the same time,train the ability of do-it-yourself and looking up the information bythemselves.
Part 6. Blackboard design
1. make +sb/sth+adj
eg: The news made him sad.
He tries his best to make his lessons interesting.
make +sb/sth+ do
eg: He made me wait for a long hours.
He made me do this exercise again.
在被動語態(tài)中變?yōu)椋簊b be made to do
2. rather 原意為相當,為副詞
eg: It’s rather cold today. 今天相當冷。
rather常與would連用 “寧可,寧愿, 還是…好些”
eg: Id rather play tennis thanswim. 我不想游泳,我寧愿去打網(wǎng)球。
Purpose:In my opinion, the blackboard design can reflect the teacher’s ability ofmastering the text and leading the students to master the text easily. In thistext, I write the usage of make and rather on the blackboard in order to tellthe students that this is of the importance in this class. I want to use themcorrectly and flexibly.
Part 7. Self evaluation.(自評)
In order to make the students the real masters in class while the teacherhimself acts as director. I designed some activities to arouse the students interest of studying .The students can learn the target language easily.Also ,by these activities , I’ve cultivated the students spirit of cooperating , trained the students skills of listening ,speaking , reading , writing , improved the students ability of collecting information and dealing with the information . Helpthe students to form a positive attitude towards life .Thanks for listening .
Rainy days make me sad.第一課時 說課稿
今天我說課的內容是九年級英語Rainy days make me sad
1.地位與作用.這一單元共五課時,本節(jié)課是第一課時,在以前的課程中,已學過一些描述性的單詞:comfortable , sad , bored 等,這課時,主要利用這些單詞,運用句型”make sb./sth. do sth. or make sb./sth. +adj.”練習表達”詢問不同的事物對自己或他人造成的影響”.這一課時在本單元中起著承上啟下的作用.
(1)知識目標.A.Words:lagon , make , sad , tense , comfortable,
B.Structures: a) make sb./sth. +adj.b) make sb./sth. +do sth.
c) would rather do sth.
B.通過用運,掌握句型make sb./sth. +adj.和make sb./sth. +dosth的用法.
(1) 重點.知識目標中的句型結構,能力目標及情感目標.
(2) 難點.句型結構,能力目標.
4.教學準備: (1)學生.搜集自己一些音樂和電影的名稱.
(2)教師.A.內容: section A,制作相應的課件.
三. 說教法.
第一環(huán)節(jié):引趣。興趣是最好的老師,引入一個新的課題,作為一個老師來講,興趣是比較重要的,所以在教學設計中,我本著學生的特點,以聽音樂,說音樂為話題展開本堂課,引起他們的興趣,運用句型“what kind of music do you like? I like …because it’s relaxing…”引出主要句型“It makes you relaxed .
運用多煤體出示兩張具有不同裝飾的餐館圖片,以問答的形式描述餐館,步驟如下:首先,師問生答。句型“which restaurant would you rather go ? I’d rather go to theBlue Restaurant .Loud music makes me tense.”然后,學生問學生答,練習運用句型。
第三環(huán)節(jié):創(chuàng)設情景,鞏固句型。以小組為單位,分組討論他們喜歡及不喜歡的電影及其原因,并以對話的形式表演出來,進一步鞏固所學的新句型。需要的語言結構有“What film do you like? I like …why? Because itmakes me happy/
UNIT13 Rainy days make me sad
It makes me comfortable/relaxed / tense… A: What film do youlike ?
It makes me want to dance..B:I like“無極“
I’d rather go to theBlue restaurant. A:Why?
B:Because it makes me happy.
Rainy days make me sad.說課稿
本單元是以九年級英語第13單元“Rainy days make me sad”為主題,要求學生在實際生活中要保護環(huán)境,學生學會在實際生活中能使用英語。同時,學生可以了解環(huán)境和各種情況對自己的影響,以擴充學生的知識面。
1. 把英語教學與情感教育有機地結合起來,將德育教育滲透到學科教學中。
2. 以任務型教學為途徑,設計貼近學生實際的教學活動。使學生通過觀察、比較、思考、討論,交流和合作等方式,學習和使用英語,完成學習任務。讓學生真正把英語作為一種語言工具,通過它來解決生活中的各種問題,培養(yǎng)學生的動手能力和創(chuàng)新意識。
3. 設計探究式的學習活動,培養(yǎng)學生的閱讀學習策略。
4. 合理利用網(wǎng)絡資源和多媒體教學軟件,豐富教學內容和形式,提高教學效果。
知識目標:1. 學習和掌握與人的心情、描述事物等相關詞匯和日常用語。
2. make sb + adj./ make sb + do
2. 觀察社會現(xiàn)象,談論自己的感受,培養(yǎng)學生正確的是非關。
Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands
1. KnowledgeObjects
(1) Key Vocabulary
sad, energetic,stressed out, soft
(2)Target Language
Sth makes sb +adj /n/adv/prep/do/doing….
I’d rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant.Loud music makes me energetic.
2. AbilityObjects
(1) Improve students listening ability.
(2) Help students to express their opinionfreely.
3. Moral objects
It is importantto choose a suitable place. It is good for your study and life.
Ⅱ. Teaching Key Point
Target Language
Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Points
1. How to improvestudents listening ability.
2. How to helpstudents to express their opinion freely.
Ⅳ. Teaching Methods
1.Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through with thelistening material.
2. Pairwork tomake every student work in class.
Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures
Step1 Greeting.
Step2 Lead in .
1.Make astudent give a duty report. Lead in new lesson with the weather.
Teacher:Are youhappy on sunny days?
Student:Yes,I’m happy.
T: Oh, so sunnydays make you happy.
T: Class repeat.Sunny days makeme happy.
How do you feelabout rainy days/snowy days?
Ss answer.
2.Have a wordmatch.Let students write some feeling words on the Bb.See which group can writemost words.
3.Look at thepictures on the screen: five pictures.
T: How do youfeel about the picture?
S: Relaxed.
T: So, thepicture makes you happy.
S: Yes.
Student ask andanswer in pairs.
4.listen tomusic and talk about the music.
1. Revisionword by the pictures on the screen.
2. Revisionwords by the sentences.Go through the instructions and look at the two pictures. Ask, Who candescribe the interior of each restaurant? (Rockin Restaurant has red walls, uglypaintings onthe walls, and loud music. The Blue Lagoon has blue walls, plants, flowers, and apiano player.) Say, Which restaurant wouldyou rathergo to? Talk about it with your partner.
3.Let studentswork in pairs, and tell each other which restaurant they would like to go toand why. When students work, go around the classroom offering help asneeded. When they have finished talking to each other,call out severalpairs to say their conversations to the class.
SA: Which restaurantwould you like to go to?
SB: I’d like togo to the Blue Lagoon.
SA: Why?
SB: Becausethere are plants and flowers there.
Step Ⅲ Pairwork
Ask students toread the instructions.
Let studentswork in pairs, and tell each other which restaurant they would like to go toand why. When students work, go around the classroom offering help asneeded. When they have finished talking to each other,call out severalpairs to say their conversations to the class.
SA: Whichrestaurant would you like to go to?
SB: I’d like togo to the Blue Lagoon.
SA: Why?
SB: Becausethere are plants and flowers there.
Step Ⅳ Revise the grammar:
1.Revise theinstructions.
2.Do exercises.
Step ⅤDo someexercises.(on the screen)
Step Ⅵ Summary (onthe screen )
In this class,we’ve learned some important words, such as sad, energetic, stressed out. We’ve alsolearned the target language “Loud music make me tense. I’d rather go to theLagoon Restaurant .”We can express our feelings.
Step ⅦStep Ⅷ Homework
Write a shortpassage about yourclassroom. How does it make you feel?
Rainy days makesme sad.
A: Whichrestaurant would you like to go to?
B: I’d like togo to the Blue Lagoon.
A: Why?
B: Because itmakes me relaxing.
Rainy days make me sad.說課稿二
1. Status and Function In thisunit, students learn to talk about how things affect them. The topic is meaningful andpractical to students, It is very useful. Itcan help students express their o
1. Status and Function
In this unit, studentslearn to talk about how things affect them. The topic ismeaningful and practical to students, It is very useful. It can help students express their ownopinions in their daily life. It continues totrain students speaking abilityand integrating skills.
After studyingthis unit, students will be in charge of their attitude and they can doeverything better.
(1) The first periodmainly gives students listening and oral practice using the target language I’drather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet musicwhile I’m eating. OK, really? Loudmusic makes me energetic. Not me! Loudmusic makes me stressed out.
(2) The activities inthe second period give students more listening and speaking practice as well asgrammar focus to practise the target language. The practice canhelp students improve their listening and speaking skills.
(3)The third periodprovides an article. Students learn toget detailed information from the article. It is a basicreading skill, and also it is of great help for students to improve theirreading skill.
(4) The fourth periodnot only introduces some new words but also provides students with manydifferent kinds of activities. In this class,students learn how to express their own opinions using the target language.
(5)A lot of practiceis designed in the fifth period to train students reading and writing skills. Students also learn how to treat theadvertisement from the reading material.
(6) All theactivities in the last period in this unit are used to provide writing practiceusing the target language.
2. Teaching Aims and Demands
(1)Knowledge Objects
In this unit,students learn to talk about how things affect them, and how to express theirown opinions using the target language,
(2) Ability objects
To train students listening, speaking, reading and writingskills using the target language,
(3) Moral Object
The impact ofattitude on life is obvious. When go shopping,we should remember not all the ads are great.
We have to becareful. In this way, wecan buy nothing that we don’t need at all. So we should bein charge of our attitude. That way, we canlive happily and we can do everything better.
3. Teaching Key Point
To make studentslearn and master the key vocabulary words and the target language.
4. Teaching Difficult Points
To train students listening, speaking, reading and writingskills.
To train students communicative competence.
5. Studying Way
Teach students howto express their own opinions freely.
Ⅱ. Language Function
Talk about howthings affect you.
Ⅲ. Target Language
I’d rather go tothe Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while I’meating.
Oh, really? Loudmusic makes me energetic.
Not me! Loud musicmakes me stressed out.
Ⅳ. Structure
Second conditionalwith wish
Ⅴ. Vocabulary
Lighting,mysterious, tense, silky, owner, product, knowledge, for instance, shiny,
Skin, cream,toothpaste, endangered, uncomfortable, useful
Ⅵ. Recycling
fast food, make,cry, customer, happy, dance, sad, restaurant, red, pink, blue, relaxed,stressed out, awful, soft, energetic, keep out
Ⅶ. Learning Strategies
1. Personalizing
2. Matching
Ⅷ. Teaching Time
Seven periods
Rainy days make me sad.說課稿三
1.學科名稱:Rainy days make me sad(初中九年級英語)
Rainy days make me sad選自義務教育新課程標準實驗教科書英語(人教版)九年級第13單元。本課主要以對兩種氛圍的餐館進行比較,引出動詞make的用法。這對于本單元主要“談論事物對我們情緒的影響”起到了很好的承接作用,通過本課的學習,引導學生學會比較、選擇對自己有影響的事物,并能正確處理一些實際問題,既鞏固了語言學習目標,又培養(yǎng)了學生的合作能和交際能力,培養(yǎng)他們做個情感豐富的人。
(二)能力目標:正確運用”make sb. do”和 “make sth.\sb. +adj”句式,學會比較分析不同事物的優(yōu)缺點,用所學的目標語言簡單談論或詢問事物對人的影響,或人對某一件事或物的看法。
1. 圍繞“談論事物對我們情緒的影響”這個話題,學會正確運用“make sb. do sth.”“make sb\sth +adj.”;文中涉及到的四會詞組,和固定短語。
2. 圍繞著“Feelings(感受)”這個話題,來談論或詢問對某件事或物的看法,以及談論事物對人的影響。
老師先問一個學生,T:What’s your favorite sport?And why?學生回答Sl:My favorite sportis soccer. Because it is exciting. T :so,it makes you excited(板書)
(2)大腦風暴(Brain Storm),讓學生們一個一個說出已學過的表示感覺的形容詞:happy,surprised,embarrassed,sick,anxious,angry,annoyed,sad,upset,unhappy,stressed out,worried,tense,excited,interested,relaxed,bored,comfortable,uncomfortable…(板書)
Ia,看圖比較書本上Ia的圖畫,描述這兩個餐廳的特點(老師給予適當?shù)难a充),詢問學生愿意去哪一家?(Where would you rather go?)然后,讓學生進行四人一組口語鏈接練習,讓學生盡量用剛學到的目標語來說明原因。
egS1:where would you rather go?
S2:I would rather go to the BlueLagoon restaurant.
S1: Why?
S2: Because blue walls make merelaxed. do not like to go to the Rockin’Restaurant becausethe awful pictures there make me tense. What about you S3?
S3:I like… What about you, S4?
S4:I don’t like…because…, whatabout you, S1?
S1:I like… because
(1)首先,老師問:What do Amy and Tina think of the two restaurants?幫助學生明確本題要求,指著表格,讓學生先了解表格中的信息。
Listen (2a,2b)
()1.—What kind of weather do you like?
—I like ________ days because theymake me ________.
A.snow, excited B.snowy, exciting
C.snow, excitingD.snowy, excited
()2.f don’t like these awful pictures. They make me ________.
A.pleased B.sad
C.relaxed D.excited
()3. I would rather ________ to small stores to buy something because bigsupermarkets are crowded with people.
C.to go D.went
()4.Loud music always makes us ________.
A.want danceB.to want dance
C.want to dance D.to want to dance
()5.Excuse me, could you help me? I don’t know ________ exchange money.
A.how toB.how
C.how can D.how can
()6.________ his new sunglasses ________ Tony look mysterious.
A.Wears, make B.Wears, makes
C.Wearing, make D.Wearing, makes
()7.As students, we are supposed to spend more time ________.
C.studying D.to study
()8.Usually soft colors make people ________.
A.relaxing B.relaxed
C.exciting D.excited
()9.I am sorry that I have kept you ________ me so long.
A.waiting B.waiting for
C.to waitD.to wait for
()10.—Mom, I want to buy this book. It is good and not too ________.
—Let me see... It is really a useful dictionary. And the price is________. Ok, let’s buy it.
A.high, low B.expensive, cheap
C.high, cheapD.expensive, low
(二) 能力提高題: 選擇所給句子補全對話.
1. Tina: I’m hungry, Amy.
Amy: So am I.________(1_)_________?
Tina: Yeah. Let’s go to the Rockin’ Restaurant. I lovetheir hamburgers.
Amy: Oh, Tina… I hate the Rockin’ Restaurant.
Tina: Why? _________(2)_________?
Amy: The food’s fine. I just don’tlike the atmosphere(氣氛). Those awful pictures on the walls
make me sad, ______________(3)__________________.
Tina:OK. So where do you want to go , Amy?
Amy: __________(4)___________. The soft music makes me relaxed.
Tina: Not me. ____________(5)____________.
A. It makes me sleepy. B. The food is great, isn’t it? C. Let’s go to the Blue Lagoon.
1、該生學習態(tài)度端正 ,能夠積極配合老師 ,善于調動課堂氣氛。 能夠積極完成老師布置的任務。學習勁頭足,聽課又專注 ,做事更認 真 ,你是同學們學習的榜樣。但是,成績只代表昨天,并不能說明你 明天就一定也很優(yōu)秀。所以,每個人都應該把成績當作自己騰飛的起 點。2、 你不愛說話 ,但勤奮好學,誠實可愛;你做事踏實、認真、為 人忠厚 ,是一個品行端正、有上進心、有良好的道德修養(yǎng)的好學生。在學習上,積極、主動,能按時完成老師布置的作業(yè),經(jīng)過努力 ,各 科成績都有明顯進步,你有較強的思維能力和學習領悟力,學習也有 計劃性,但在老師看來,你的潛力還沒有完全發(fā)揮出來,學習上還要有持久的恒心和頑強的毅力。