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  • 新人教版高中英語必修2Unit 2 Wildlife Protection-Discovering Useful Structure教案二

    新人教版高中英語必修2Unit 2 Wildlife Protection-Discovering Useful Structure教案二

    2.表示現階段正在進行的被動動作(該動作在說話的瞬間未必正在進行)。Many interesting experiments are being carried out these days.(說話時,并不一定正在進行)3.表示一種經常性的被動行為,常和always,constantly 等表示頻度的副詞連用,這種用法常常帶有贊揚或厭惡的感情色彩。He is always being praised by the leader.4.表示按計劃或安排主語將要承受謂語動詞所表示的動作(僅限于少數及物動詞)。A party is being held tonight.Step 4 Special cases1.像take care of, look after, talk about, think of等動詞與介詞構成的短語用于現在進行時的被動語態(tài)時, 其中的介詞不可省略。The ways to stop illegally hunting are being talked about. 2.可與部分情態(tài)動詞連用,表示對正在發(fā)生的事情的推測。She may be being punished by her mother.3.有時可表示按計劃或安排將要進行的一個被動動作。A celebration is being held this weekend for his success.4.某些表示“狀態(tài)、心理活動、存在”等的動詞,如have,want,need,love,一般不用現在進行時的被動語態(tài),而常用一般現在時的被動語態(tài)。With the population increasing,more land is needed.5.“be+under/in+n.”可表示現在進行時的被動意義。My computer is under repair.=My computer is being repaired.

  • 新人教版高中英語必修2Unit 3 The Internet-Discovering Useful Structure教案二

    新人教版高中英語必修2Unit 3 The Internet-Discovering Useful Structure教案二

    This teaching period mainly deals with grammar “The Present Perfect Passive Voice.” To begin with, teachers should lead students to revise what they have learned about the Present Perfect Passive Voice. And then, teachers move on to stress more special cases concerning this grammar。This period carries considerable significance to the cultivation of students’ writing competence and lays a solid foundation for the basic appreciation of language beauty. The teacher is expected to enable students to master this period thoroughly and consolidate the knowledge by doing some exercises. 1. Guide students to review the basic usages of the Present Perfect Passive Voice2. Lead students to learn to use some special cases concerning the Present Perfect Passive Voice flexibly.2. Enable students to use the basic phrases structures flexibly.3. Strengthen students’ great interest in grammar learning.1. Help students to appreciate the function of the Present Perfect Passive Voice in a sentence2. Instruct students to write essays using the proper the Present Perfect Passive Voice.觀察下列句子特點,總結共同點。1.(教材P28)Much has been written about the wonders of the World Wide Web.2.(教材P28)But the Internet has done much more for people than simply make life more convenient.3.(教材P28)Many people have been helped by the club.4.(教材P28)She no longer feels lonely, and her company has become quite successful.5.(教材P32)Today I thought I’d blog about a question that has been asked many times—how do you stay safe online and avoid bad experiences on the Internet?

  • 新人教版高中英語必修2Unit 1 Cultural Heritage-Discovering Useful Structure教案二

    新人教版高中英語必修2Unit 1 Cultural Heritage-Discovering Useful Structure教案二

    This theme of the part is “ Describe people or things in greater detail”. Students have learned the grammar(restrictive relative clauses) in Book 1, and further review and consolidate its structure “prep+relative pronouns(which/whom)” and the relative adverbs(when, where and why), besides students should understand its form, meaning and functions. In this section, students should be able to express the grammar correctly in daily communication and in the writing. 1. Review the basic usages of relative pronouns and adverbs of attributive clauses . 2. Learn to use some special cases about restrictive relative clauses.3. Learn to write sentences with restrictive relative clauses flexibly according to the context.1. Review the basic usages of relative pronouns and adverbs of attributive clauses .2. Learn to use some special cases about restrictive relative clauses.3. Learn tow rite sentences with restrictive relative clauses flexibly according to the context.Step 1. Observe the following sentences, and mark the relative pronouns and the adverbs. 1. After listening to the scientists who had studied the problems, and citizens who lived near the dam, the government turned to the United Nations for help.2. Temples and other cultural sites were taken down piece by piece, and then moved and put back together again in a place where they were safe from the water.Step 2 PracticePlease complete these sentences with relative pronouns and relative adverbs and answer the following questions.Questions: 1. What is the head noun ?2. What relative words should be used ?3. What elements do they act in these sentences ?

  • 新人教版高中英語必修2Unit 4 History and Traditions-Discovering Useful Structure教案一

    新人教版高中英語必修2Unit 4 History and Traditions-Discovering Useful Structure教案一

    Step 5 Practice一、完成下列句子。1. Judy and I _______________(把車停下來(park))in an underground car Park near Trafalgar Square, where we could ______________________(讓我們的車充電(charge)).2. When we finally reached the service desk to ask for audio guides, we heard it ___________ that there were no audio guides____________(留下,剩下).3. We__________________________(發(fā)現自己對...很驚訝)the large number of visitors and the amount of noise at the entrance of the National Gallery.4. Judy ____________________(眼神專注于) Van Gogh’s Sunflowers. It was hard to approach the painting as there were so many people around.5. She ____________________(把這幅畫的復制品裝箱(box)) to ensure that it was delivered safely.答案:1.had our car parked get our car battery charged 2. announced left 3. found ourselves very surprised 4. had her eyes fixed on 5. had a copy of the painting boxed二、用過去分詞對下列句子進行改寫。1. Loch Ness was surrounded by beautiful natural landscape, which made it look amazing.2. Carl and his friend stayed with a generous family who offered them bread with butter and honey that was homemade.3. The family’s ancestors once attended to soldiers who were wounded in the First World War.4. The young people were attracted by the legend of Loch Ness. They watched over the lake with their cameras and binoculars, which were positioned on the hill.答案:1. Loch Ness surrounded by beautiful natural landscape looks amazing.2. Carl and his friends stayed with a generous family who offered them homemade bread with butter and honey.3. The family’s ancestors once attended to wounded soldiers in the First World War.4. The young people attracted by the legend of Loch Ness watched over the lake with their cameras and binoculars positioned on the hill.

  • 新人教版高中英語必修2Unit 2 Wildlife Protection-Discovering Useful Structure教案一

    新人教版高中英語必修2Unit 2 Wildlife Protection-Discovering Useful Structure教案一

    The activity topic of this section is "report an ongoing event", and the structure is the passive voice of present continuous tense. Rare wild animals are suffering from large-scale poaching, and species are on the brink of danger. Rescue operations are underway. "Being" and "suffering" are the meanings of the present progressive passive voice.The usage of present progressive passive voice is of great importance in writing a good discourse and appreciating some difficult language items, so it is vital to master it and use it flexibly in a context.1. Motivate Ss to deepen the understanding of the usage of present progressive passive voice in a fixed context.2. Enable Ss to master the usage of present progressive passive voice and use it flexibly in a context.3. Lead Ss to construct sentences or appreciate sentences used master it and use it flexibly in a context.1. Help students to appreciate the function of the usage of present progressive passive voice in a sentence2. Instruct students to write essays using the proper usage of present progressive passive voice.Look at the picture and tell me what are workers doing? What is the house being done?

  • 查看更多相關Word文檔

Unit 4 History and traditions-Discovering Useful Structure教案


This teaching period mainly deals with grammar: The past participle isused as attributive and objective complement.

1. Guide studentsto review the basic usagesof the past participle used as attributive and objectivecomplement.

2. Lead students to learn to use some special casesconcerning the past participle used as attributive and objective complement flexibly.


3. Strengthen students’great interest in grammar learning.

1. Help students to appreciate the functionof the past participle used as attributive and objectivecomplement.

2. Instruct students to write essays usingthe past participle used as attributive and objective complement.


Analyze the underlined phrases and then sum up the common usages of thepast participles.

1.(教材P41)Theyhad castles built(build) all around England, and made changes to thelegal system.

2.(教材P42)Theyuse the same flag, known(know) as the Union Jack,...

3.(教材P42)Judyand I had our car parked(park) in an underground car park near TrafalgarSquare, where we could get our car battery charged(charge).

Common points: f the pastparticiple used as attributive and objective complement.

Step 2:過去分詞作定語時的意義


Our teacher watched us doing the experiment and gave us a satisfied smile at last.


The plan put forward at themeeting will be carried out soon.



Many little kids like gathering fallenleaves in the yard.


The risen sun is shiningbrightly in the morning.





The polluted water was toblame for the spread of cholera.


We needed much more qualifiedworkers.




There are few tigers left.It is time for the departments concernedto take measures to protect them from dying out.




He is a teacher loved by hisstudents.


The book published ten yearsago is still a bestseller today.













As we all know, China is a developingcountry.


The visitor is from a developedcountry.


4.過去分詞(done)、現在分詞的被動語態(tài)(being done)與動詞不定式的被動語態(tài)(to be done)作定語的區(qū)別








being done



to be done



The building built last yearis our classroom building.


The building being built nowis our classroom building.


The building to be built nextmonth is our classroom building.


Step 4: 常見的過去分詞作賓語補足語的情況

1.過去分詞用在表狀態(tài)的動詞keep, leave等詞的后面作賓語補足語。

He passed away, leaving hisworks unfinished.


Don’t keep your mouth shut when I ask you a question.




He wants to have/get his eyesexamined tomorrow.


Jenny hopes that Mr.Smith will suggest a goodway to have her written English improved in a short period.



They managed to makethemselves understood by using verysimple English.


3.感官動詞see, hear, notice, observe, watch, feel, find等后,可用過去分詞作賓語補足語。

When we saw the road blocked with snow, we decided to spendthe holiday at home.


The next morning people foundthe world outside their houses completely changed.


4.表示“意愿;命令”的動詞,如like, want, wish, expect, order等可用過去分詞作賓語補足語。

The manager ordered the work finished at the end of this week.



Withevery problem settled, he began tothink of a journey.每一個問題解決后,他開始考慮旅行。

Step 5:非謂語動詞作賓語補足語的區(qū)別

1.感官動詞(短語)see,watch, observe, look at, notice, hear, listen to, feel等的賓語補足語主要有三種形式,試比較(以hear為例):


I heard her singing an English song when I passedby her room yesterday.


I heard her sing an English song just now.


To learn English well, we should find opportunities to hear English spoken as much as possible.


  • 精選高中生期末評語


    1、該生學習態(tài)度端正 ,能夠積極配合老師 ,善于調動課堂氣氛。 能夠積極完成老師布置的任務。學習勁頭足,聽課又專注 ,做事更認 真 ,你是同學們學習的榜樣。但是,成績只代表昨天,并不能說明你 明天就一定也很優(yōu)秀。所以,每個人都應該把成績當作自己騰飛的起 點。2、 你不愛說話 ,但勤奮好學,誠實可愛;你做事踏實、認真、為 人忠厚 ,是一個品行端正、有上進心、有良好的道德修養(yǎng)的好學生。在學習上,積極、主動,能按時完成老師布置的作業(yè),經過努力 ,各 科成績都有明顯進步,你有較強的思維能力和學習領悟力,學習也有 計劃性,但在老師看來,你的潛力還沒有完全發(fā)揮出來,學習上還要有持久的恒心和頑強的毅力。

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    1、該生學習態(tài)度端正 ,能夠積極配合老師 ,善于調動課堂氣氛。 能夠積極完成老師布置的任務。學習勁頭足,聽課又專注 ,做事更認 真 ,你是同學們學習的榜樣。但是,成績只代表昨天,并不能說明你 明天就一定也很優(yōu)秀。所以,每個人都應該把成績當作自己騰飛的起 點。2、 你不愛說話 ,但勤奮好學,誠實可愛;你做事踏實、認真、為 人忠厚 ,是一個品行端正、有上進心、有良好的道德修養(yǎng)的好學生。在學習上,積極、主動,能按時完成老師布置的作業(yè),經過努力 ,各 科成績都有明顯進步,你有較強的思維能力和學習領悟力,學習也有 計劃性,但在老師看來,你的潛力還沒有完全發(fā)揮出來,學習上還要有持久的恒心和頑強的毅力。

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